A list of and metadata for sequences of ICoMM GPS (Global Protistan Survery) Vent-related samples archived in the ICoMM database
These vent-related samples include 3 from off-axis at EPR and one from vent plume water at 2495 m at EPR.
They also include 3 samples from the 2007 cruise at Guaymas: control sediment, orange mat, and near-bottom CTD.
Link to VAMPS Archive at MBL
Follow the instructions below to access the site
login as: user: guest, passwd: guest
In the left panel select: "trimmed fasta sequences"
Select project: "ICM_GPS_Ev9 Global Protist Survey"
Select: "All reads"
Select" "Eukarya"
Select: "GPS_0010" (through to GPS_0016) as per the list in the data
You will able to down load thousands of sequence - these are trimmed and Q/C'd sequences.
Cary, S. C., Countway, P., Caron, D. (2011) ICoMM Global Protistan Survey (GPS) vent-related samples from R/V Atlantis cruises AT11-04 and AT15-25 in the East Pacific Rise, North Pacific, Guaymas Basin, and Gulf of California from 2003 to 2007 (PROTISTS project). Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 19 January 2011) Version Date 2011-01-19 [if applicable, indicate subset used]. http://lod.bco-dmo.org/id/dataset/3412 [access date]
Terms of Use
This dataset is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
If you wish to use this dataset, it is highly recommended that you contact the original principal investigators (PI). Should the relevant PI be unavailable, please contact BCO-DMO (info@bco-dmo.org) for additional guidance. For general guidance please see the BCO-DMO Terms of Use document.