Principal Investigator: Alyson E. Santoro, Scientist: Barbara Bayer, Contact: Barbara Bayer, Data Manager: Sawyer Newman
Award: OCE-1924512
Principal Investigator: Alyson E. Santoro, Scientist: Barbara Bayer, Contact: Barbara Bayer, Data Manager: Sawyer Newman
Award: OCE-1924512
Principal Investigator: Alyson E. Santoro, Scientist: Barbara Bayer, Contact: Barbara Bayer, Data Manager: Sawyer Newman
Award: OCE-1924512
Principal Investigator: Julie Granger, Scientist: Benedetto Barone, Scientist: Angelicque E. White, Student: Mengyang Zhou
Awards (2): OCE-1554474, 329104
Principal Investigator: Mark E. Warner, Co-Principal Investigator: Dustin Kemp, Co-Principal Investigator: Todd Christopher LaJeunesse
Awards (3): OCE-1719684, OCE-1635695, OCE-1636022
Principal Investigator: Nathan T. Hermann, Co-Principal Investigator: Nathan B. Furey, Co-Principal Investigator: Mark J. Wuenschel
Award: OCE-2023536
Principal Investigator: Brian Gaylord, Student: Gabriel Ng
Award: OCE-1636191
Principal Investigator: Brian Gaylord, Student: Gabriel Ng
Award: OCE-1636191
Principal Investigator: Brian Gaylord, Student: Gabriel Ng
Award: OCE-1636191
Principal Investigator: Brian Gaylord, Student: Gabriel Ng
Award: OCE-1636191
Principal Investigator: Brian Gaylord, Student: Gabriel Ng
Award: OCE-1636191
Principal Investigator: James Nelson, Student: Herbert Leavitt, Student: Alexander Thomas, Contact: Herbert Leavitt
Award: OCE-2418012
Principal Investigator: James Nelson, Student: Herbert Leavitt, Student: Alexander Thomas, Contact: Herbert Leavitt
Award: OCE-2418012
Principal Investigator: Bess B. Ward, Co-Principal Investigator: Andrew E. Allen, Scientist: Daniel M. Sigman, Contact: Nicolas C. Van Oostende, Contact: Bess B. Ward
Award: OCE-1136345
Principal Investigator: Mark E. Warner, Co-Principal Investigator: Dustin Kemp, Co-Principal Investigator: Todd Christopher LaJeunesse
Awards (3): OCE-1719684, OCE-1635695, OCE-1636022
Principal Investigator: Nicholas Bates, Scientist: Rodney J. Johnson, Scientist: Paul J. Lethaby, Technician: Eloise Chambers, Data Manager: Dominic Smith
Awards (3): OCE-0752336, OCE-1756105, OCE-2241455
Principal Investigator: James Nelson, Student: Herbert Leavitt, Student: Alexander Thomas, Contact: Herbert Leavitt
Award: OCE-2418012
Principal Investigator: Rebecca Vega Thurber, Co-Principal Investigator: Erinn M. Muller, Scientist: Grace J. Klinges
Awards (2): OCE-1923836, OCE-1923926
Principal Investigator: Rebecca Vega Thurber, Co-Principal Investigator: Erinn M. Muller, Scientist: Grace J. Klinges
Awards (2): OCE-1923836, OCE-1923926
Keyword Searches
Keyword searches are parsed into a series of terms and operators.
Terms can be a single word — plankton or carbon — or a phrase surrounded by double quotes — "ocean acidification"
Operators allow you to customize the text search in the following ways:
Wildcard searches can be run on individual terms, using:
to replace a single character:
to replace zero or more characters:,
ocean acid*
Boolean Operators
The preferred operators are:
(this term must be present)
(this term must not be present)
"coral calcification" +biota -pacific
- biota
must be present
- pacific
must not be present
- "coral calcification"
is optional - its presense increases the relevance
Fuzzy Matching
We can search for terms that are similar to, but not exactly like our search terms, using the "fuzzy" operator: ~
. This uses the Damerau-Levenshtein distance to find all terms with a maximum of two changes, where a change is the insertion, deletion or substitution of a single character, or transposition of two adjacent characters. The default edit distance is 2, but you can specify the distance:
Proximity Searches
While a phrase query (eg "john smith") expects all of the terms in exactly the same order, a proximity query allows the specified words to be further apart or in a different order. In the same way that fuzzy queries can specify a maximum edit distance for characters in a word, a proximity search allows us to specify a maximum edit distance of words in a phrase:
"primary production"~3