Dataset: NCBI accessions of the harmful alga Heterosigma akashiwo (CCMP2393) grown under a range of CO2 concentrations from 200-1000 ppm

Final no updates expectedDOI: 10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.747872.1Version 1 (2018-10-11)Dataset Type:experimental

Principal Investigator: Sonya T. Dyhrman (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)

Co-Principal Investigator: James Jeffrey Morris (University of Alabama at Birmingham)

Scientist: Gwenn Hennon (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Nancy Copley (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Program: Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability NSF-Wide Investment (SEES): Ocean Acidification (formerly CRI-OA) (SEES-OA)

Project: Impacts of Evolution on the Response of Phytoplankton Populations to Rising CO2 (P-ExpEv)


This dataset includes metadata associated with NCBI BioProject PRJNA377729 "Impacts of Evolution on the Response of Phytoplankton Populations to Rising CO2" PRJNA377729: The alga Heterosigma akashiwo was grown at CO2 levels from about 200 to 1000 ppm and then the DNA and RNA were sequenced.

This dataset includes metadata associated with NCBI BioProject PRJNA377729 "Impacts of Evolution on the Response of Phytoplankton Populations to Rising CO2" PRJNA377729 The alga Heterosigma akashiwo was grown at CO2 levels from about 200 to 1000 ppm and then the DNA and RNA were sequenced.

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Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University (2017). Phytoplankton, Impacts of Evolution on the Response of Phytoplankton Populations to Rising CO2. 2017/03. NCBI:BioProject: PRJNA377729.[Internet]. Bethesda, MD: National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; Available from:

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Hennon, G. M., Williamson, O. M., Limón, M. D. H., Haley, S. T., & Dyhrman, S. T. (2019). Non-linear Physiology and Gene Expression Responses of Harmful Alga Heterosigma akashiwo to Rising CO2. Protist, 170(1), 38-51. Protist Supplemental Table 2