Fifteen CTD casts were taken during the PE21-18 cruise at 5 stations. The planned stations had the following location and depth:
Station: Lat, Long, Depth (m)
C6C: 28.8686, -90.4903, 19.2
D2: 28.8417, -90.8333, 15.6
D4: 28.6083, -90.8333, 19.1
E3: 28.6583, -91.25, 22
F4: 28.7833, -91.6167, 24.2
The data was collected using a SeaBird 911 plus system with 12-12 liter Niskin bottles. The instruments included in the 911 plus suite are dual Temperature (SBE 3), dual Conductivity (SBE 4), and dual Oxygen (SBE 43) sensors. Additionally, the suite included an SBE 27 pH/Oxidation, Chelsea Aquatracka 3 Chl_a, and a Wetlabs CDOM. Serial numbers and calibration information is stored in the Header Information included in the .cnv files.