These data are from Onset HOBO U20L data loggers recording at 1-minute intervals deployed on the seafloor from June to August in 2018 and 2019. The HOBO loggers were deployed adjacent to instrument moorings inside and outside of kelp forests near the Monterey Peninsula, California, USA.
Sampling Locations:
Sampling was conducted near the Monterey Peninsula near Pacific Grove and Monterey, California, USA. Kelp sites ranged from 8.8 to 10.3 meters deep and offshore sites ranged from 13.1 to 16.5 m deep.
Instrument moorings were deployed in 2018 in the following areas: a wave-protected kelp forest, ~100 meters offshore of the protected site, in a wave-exposed site devoid of kelp (historically has had kelp), and ~100 meters offshore of the exposed site.
Instrument moorings were deployed in 2019 in the following areas: a wave-protected kelp forest, ~175 meters offshore of the protected site, in a wave-exposed kelp site, and ~180 meters offshore of the exposed site.
Location Abbreviations:
PK = Protected kelp 2018,
PO = Protected offshore 2018,
EK = Exposed ‘kelp’ 2018,
EO = Exposed offshore 2018,
MK = Protected kelp 2019,
MO = Protected offshore 2019,
OK = exposed kelp 2019,
OO = Exposed offshore 2019.
HOBO U20L water level and temperature loggers were attached to the bottom of each instrument mooring ~0.45 m above the seafloor. Instruments had to be swapped out periodically during deployment due to data storage capacity. Time and depth of deployment were recorded each time a sensor was deployed.
Nickols, K. J., Dunbar, R. B. (2022) Water level and seafloor temperature from Onset HOBO U20L loggers deployed on the seafloor adjacent to instrument moorings inside and outside of kelp forests near the Monterey Peninsula, California, USA from June to August 2018 and 2019. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2021-11-12 [if applicable, indicate subset used]. doi:10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.864720.1 [access date]
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