Dataset: Sediment core porewater and particulate measurements from three sites on the Louisiana Shelf sampled during R/V Pelican cruises from December 2021 through August 2022

Data not availableVersion 1 (2023-12-11)Dataset Type:Cruise Results

Principal Investigator: Shaily Rahman (University of Colorado at Boulder)

Co-Principal Investigator: Jeffrey W. Krause (Dauphin Island Sea Lab)

Scientist: Lindsey R. Lemke (Dauphin Island Sea Lab)

Student: Ryan Roseburrough (Dauphin Island Sea Lab)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Dana Stuart Gerlach (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Project: Collaborative Research: RAPID: Extreme disturbances/perturbations to coastal deposition systems (Extreme Si)


In the northern Gulf of Mexico seasonal water column stratification may impact how sedimentary biogenic silica (bSi) is processed and preserved by limiting oxygen injections into the benthos, seasonally driving bSi burial efficiency. Hurricane Ida moved through the Mississippi Delta and adjacent Louisiana shelf at the end of August 2021. Thirteen days prior to Hurricane Ida’s landfall in Port Fourchon, LA we collected sediment cores at 3 sites in the topset delta sediment between the Southwest P...

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This dataset provides information on silica cycling in coastal sediments from the Louisiana shelf region after an extreme storm event. When Hurricane Ida made landfall on August 29th, 2021, this Category 4 storm disrupted sediments of the proximal coastal zone and possibly altered redox and diagenetic conditions. As part of a multi-proxy approach, this data can help inform how an extreme event altered biogenic silica burial over the 10 to 12 months following the storm. Sampling for initial conditions occurred 13 days prior to the storm event from topset delta sediment. Data from this companion project can be viewed here:

Related Datasets


Dataset: Sediment porewater and particulates of Louisiana Shelf (pre-Ida)
Lemke, L. R., Roseburrough, R., Siersma, A., Rahman, S., Krause, J. W. (2024) Sediment core porewater and particulate measurements from three sites on the Louisiana Shelf sampled during R/V Pelican cruises in August 2021. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2024-12-12

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