These data include measurements of free bacteria in whole seawater and particle-associated bacteria for particles larger than 1.2 microns from CTD bottle water samples collected during a cruise on the Northeast Continental Shelf to study particle disaggregation. One cruise was completed aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp from 2022-04-21 through 2022-05-02 (HRS 22-04), which visited a variety of stations and hydrodynamic environments associated with the Northeast Continental Shelf of the United States....
Show moreThis cruise visited eight stations on the Northeastern U.S. Continental Shelf. Latitudes and longitudes provided per sample in the data, but general station descriptions are below.
Whole seawater and 1.2 um filtrates were fixed in final concentration of 0.5% glutaraldehyde for 15 min at 4 degrees, then flash frozen in liquid N2 and stored at -20 degree until analysis. Samples were thawed at room temperature and 10 ug/ml Tween-80 (final concentration) was added to each. Samples were sonicated for 1 min in a water bath (50W). A 20,000-fold dilution of Sybr Green I Nucleic Acid stain (Thermo-Fisher) was made in 0.2 um filtered 1XTE. 5ul of sample was mixed with 245 ul of 1X TE/Sybr Green I in a 96 well microtiter plate. Samples were counted on an Accrui C6 Plus flow cytometer on a fast flow rate, triggered off FL1-H<1000 for 30 sec.
Rau, M., Thamatrakoln, K. (2024) Bacteria Counts CTD Bottle Measurements from CTD samples collected during R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS2204 from Apr to May 2022. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2024-12-16 [if applicable, indicate subset used]. [access date]
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