Dataset: CliOMZ Nutrient profile data

Preliminary and in progressVersion 1 (2025-01-14)Dataset Type:Cruise Results

Principal Investigator: Alyson E. Santoro (University of California-Santa Barbara)

Scientist, Contact: Barbara Bayer (University of Vienna)

Data Manager: Sawyer Newman (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Project: Collaborative Research: Underexplored Connections between Nitrogen and Trace Metal Cycling in Oxygen Minimum Zones Mediated by Metalloenzyme Inventories (CliOMZ)


These data include nutrient measurements from two oceanographic expeditions on R/V Roger Revelle from San Diego to San Diego, USA in June 2021 and on R/V Atlantic (CliOMZ AT50-10 expedition) from Golfito, Costa Rica to San Diego, USA in May-June 2023. Instruments used were a CTD profiler, a fluorometer, and a flow injection analysis system.

Water samples were collected during cruises  RR2104 and AT50-10 in the eastern tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean. Discrete water samples were obtained using a CTD rosette sampler equipped with 24 x 10 L Niskin bottles. Different depths were sampled ranging from 10 meters to 2200 meters.

Ammonium concentrations were measured on board from unfiltered 40 mL seawater samples using the o-phthaldialdehyde derivatization method with modifications as suggested in (Taylor et al. 2007) on an Aquafluor 8000 handheld fluorometer. Samples for nitrite and nitrate concentration measurements were syringe-filtered (0.22 µm, Sterivex) and stored at −20°C before concentrations were determined by Cd reduction coupled to colorimetric detection via the Griess assay on a Lachat autoanalyzer. 

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Taylor,B. D., Keep,C. F., Hall,R. O., Koch, B. J., Tronstad, L. M., Flecker,A. S. & Ulseth, A. J. (2007). Improving the fluorometric ammonium method: matrix effects, background fluorescence, and standard additions. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 26(2), 167-177. doi:10.1899/0887-3593(2007)26[167:ITFAMM]2.0.CO;2