Funding: Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation: Marine Microbiology Initiative (MMI)

Fundref DOI: 10.13039/100000936
Acronym: MMI

234Th - AN10GBMF2293
Amazon plume POC biomarkersGBMF2293, GBMF2928
Amazon plume trap biomarkersGBMF2293, GBMF2928
AN10-12 Surface pCO2 and Chl aGBMF2293, GBMF2928
BB2-AT2 Cell Metal QuotaGBMF3782
BB2-AT2 Cytosolic MetallomeGBMF3782
BB2-AT2 Metalloproteome ProteinsGBMF3782
Cruise TracksGBMF2293
Cryopeg Holographic ImagesGBMF5488
CTD - Bottle - AN10GBMF2293
CTD - Profiles - AN10GBMF2293
CTD - Stations - AN10GBMF2293
Diatom Matrix Mass SpectrometryGBMF5503
Diatom Matrix NMRGBMF5503
Diatom metabolitesGBMF3304
Diatom SEM images - AN10GBMF2293
Diel proteomes Trichodesmium IMS101GBMF3934, GBMF3782
Dissolved CobaltGBMF3934, GBMF3782
Event Log - AN10GBMF2293
FASTA file of protein identifications (MetZyme 0.2)GBMF3782
FK160115 Dissolved CobaltGBMF3782
Geneflow ProfileGBMF5488
Geneflow SamplesGBMF5488
Growth rates of Line P diatoms in added Zn and Co incubation studiesGBMF3782
Growth rates of the polar diatom Chaetoceros RS19 in +Zn and +Co incubation studiesGBMF3782
Metal quotas (ratios of Metal:P) of Chaetoceros sp. RS19 in +Zn and +Co incubation studiesGBMF3782
Metal quotas of Line P diatoms in added Zn and Co incubation studiesGBMF3782
Metal uptake rates of the polar diatom Chaetoceros RS19 in +Zn and +Co incubation studiesGBMF3782
Nutrients and Targeted ProteomicsGBMF3934, GBMF3782
Pacific Nitrite OxidoreductaseGBMF3782
Peptide spectral counts (MetZyme 0.2)GBMF3782
Permafrost Borehole Geochemistry in the Barrow Permafrost TunnelGBMF5488
Permafrost Brine Geochemistry in the Barrow Permafrost TunnelGBMF5488
ProPortalunknown C-MORE MooreMarMicro
ProteOMZ Exclusive Peptide Level Spectral CountsGBMF3782
ProteOMZ identified protein sequencesGBMF3782
ProteOMZ nutrient, CTD, and oxygen dataGBMF3782
ProteOMZ Peptide Level Spectral CountsGBMF3782
ProteOMZ Protein Level Spectral CountsGBMF3782
R/V Falkor 160115 ProteOMZ CTD informationGBMF3782
R/V Falkor 160115 ProteOMZ Trace Metal Rosette DataGBMF3782
RV Falkor 160115 CTD LogGBMF3782
RV Falkor 160115 Event LogGBMF3782
RV Falkor 160115 McLane Pump LogGBMF3782
RV Falkor 160115 TMR LogGBMF3782
SPOT Environmental Data 2005-2018GBMF3779
SSU rRNA Gene Sequencing from SPOTGBMF3779
Station locationsGBMF3782
Total spectral count of proteins (MetZyme 0.2)GBMF3782
Trichodesmiium field metaproteomes - sample provenanceGBMF3934, GBMF3782