Instrument: AC 9

Acronym: AC-9
External Identifier: skos:broadMatch:


"The WET Labs AC-9 is a type of in-situ spectrophotometer that simultaneously determines the spectral transmittance and spectral absorption of water over nine wavelengths. The unit offers compact size, high precision, and excellent stability in providing a method for determining the absorption (a(l)) and beam attenuation (c(l)) coefficients. The AC-9 employs a 25-cm pathlength for effective measurement of the cleanest natural waters. The unit is also available in a 10-cm pathlength configuration." (more from WET Labs)

Dataset NamePI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Along track temperature, salinity, backscatter, chlorophyll fluorescence, CDOM fluorescence, Es, Lt and Li, absorption and attenuation from R/V Endeavor cruise EN616 in July 2018WETLabs ac9 Absorption and Attenuation meter
Discrete phytoplankton, HPLC, flow cytometry, and nutrient data from GLOBEC NEP mesoscale cruises in the Northeast Pacific from 2000-2002 (NEP project)The WetLabs ac-9 instrument was part of the flow-through system for gathering a continuous record of phytoplankton in vivo fluorescence, variable flourescences and water absorption and attenuation. (from cruise W0005 cruise report) AC 9