The usual expectation is that when populations of plants and animals experience repeated losses to predators or human harvest, they would decline over time. If instead these populations rebound to numbers exceeding their initial levels, this would seem counter-intuitive or even paradoxical. However, for several decades mathematical models of population processes have shown that this unexpected response, formally known as overcompensation, is not only possible, but even expected under some circumstances. In what may be the first example of overcompensation in a marine system, a dramatic increase in a population of the non-native European green crab was recently observed following an intensive removal program. This RAPID project will use field surveys and laboratory experiments to verify that this population explosion results from overcompensation. Data will be fed into population models to understand to what degree populations processes such as cannibalism by adult crabs on juvenile crabs and changes in maturity rate of reproductive females are contributing to or modifying overcompensation. The work will provide important insights into the fundamental population dynamics that can produce overcompensation in both natural and managed populations. Broader Impacts include mentoring graduate trainees and undergraduate interns in the design and execution of field experiments as well as in laboratory culture and feeding experiments. The project will also involve a network of citizen scientists who are involved with restoration activities in this region and results will be posted on the European Green Crab Project website.
This project aims to establish the first example of overcompensation in marine systems. Overcompensation refers to the paradoxical process where reduction of a population due to natural or human causes results in a greater equilibrium population than before the reduction. A population explosion of green crabs has been recently documented in a coastal lagoon and there are strong indications that this may be the result of overcompensation. Accelerated maturation of females, which can accompany and modify the expression of overcompensation has been observed. This RAPID project will collect field data from this unusual recruitment class and conduct targeted mesocosm experiments. These will include population surveys and mark-recapture studies to measure demographic rates across study sites. Laboratory mesocosm studies using this recruitment class will determine size specific mortality. Outcomes will be used in population dynamics models to determine to what degree overcompensation has created this dramatic population increase. The project will seek answers to the following questions: 1) what are the rates of cannibalism by adult green crabs and large juveniles on different sizes of juvenile green crabs, 2) what are the consequences of smaller size at first reproduction for population dynamics and for overcompensation and 3) how quickly will the green crab population return to the levels observed prior to the eradication program five years earlier?
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Demographic data for introduced crab from multiple bays along the Central California coast in 2009-2016 | 2021-03-16 | Final no updates expected |
Mark recapture data for introduced crab in Seadrift Lagoon 2011-2018 | 2021-03-16 | Final no updates expected |
Demographic data from introduced crab in Seadrift Lagoon 2009-2019 | 2021-03-16 | Final no updates expected |
Clam outplant experiments conducted in Seadrift and Bolinas Lagoon for 2015 | 2017-06-15 | Final no updates expected |
Tethering experiments on introduced crab conducted in several bays along the Central California coast in 2015 | 2017-06-15 | Final no updates expected |
Green crab size based predation trials conducted in laboratory mesocosms at Romberg Tiburon Center, Tiburon, CA in 2015 | 2017-06-05 | Final no updates expected |
Principal Investigator: Edwin Grosholz
University of California-Davis (UC Davis)
Co-Principal Investigator: Catherine de Rivera
Portland State University (PSU)
Co-Principal Investigator: Gregory E. Ruiz
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC)
Contact: Edwin Grosholz
University of California-Davis (UC Davis)
DMP_OCE-1514893_Grosholz.pdf (65.71 KB)