NSF Award Abstract:
Coral bleaching has become increasingly common on reefs worldwide as rising sea surface temperatures associated with climate change disrupt the coral-algal symbiosis. This dramatic heat stress response turns the normally colorful corals bright white, and yet during these heat stress events not all corals undergo bleaching. This project focuses on assessing the effects of bleaching by comparing pairs of corals side-byside on the reef during an ongoing heat wave, where one has bleached and the other has not, despite experiencing the same temperatures. These coral pairs have been monitored throughout three bleaching events in the past five years, providing a unique resource to address whether corals with consistently different bleaching susceptibilities have the capacity to acclimate in response to disturbances through epigenetic changes, or changes in gene expression not due to change in DNA bases. To address this, the project will characterize the impacts of bleaching or not bleaching on coral physiology, gene expression, and epigenetic patterns using coral pairs in their natural habitat during a marine heatwave. This project also provides research support for graduate student trainees, as well as data and materials for the research and training of undergraduate and high school students. This project will recruit underrepresented minority students from URI and UPenn area high schools and university undergraduates for work on computer analysis of images (benthic and colony photographs, brightfield and confocal micrographs) and sequencing data. It will also support the training of an undergraduate student at the University of Hawaiʻi in coral ecology and physiology, and the development of her senior thesis.
This project will investigate the effects of repeated heat stress events on the performance of Montipora capitata, a dominant reef builder throughout Hawaiʻi. It utilizes the timely context of paired colonies of M. capitata with bleached vs. unbleached histories that have been monitored through two past bleaching events in Hawaiʻi (2015 and 2019) and the currently ongoing 2020 event. This system allows for the unique opportunity to disentangle the consequences of heat stress versus bleaching on coral performance through time, an essential feature of reef resilience. The contrasting physiological and energetic processes these two phenotypes undergo during a heatwave are likely to result in alterations to the cellular environment within the animal that impacts epigenetic transcriptional regulation. These regulatory and energetic changes, if persistent over time, have the potential to alter coral fitness beyond the duration of the heatwave differentially between corals with contrasting bleaching phenotypes. Specifically, the project will: 1) quantify the effect of the 2020 heatwave on coral physiology during bleaching and recovery, 2) generate a corresponding archive of coral tissues and nucleic acids as a resource for future work characterizing how bleaching phenotype alters energetics and non-genetic inheritance, and 3) characterize how bleaching phenotype alters intra-generational inheritance of epigenetic marks (i.e., DNA methylation) and gene expression, and the duration of these marks and expression patterns following heat stress. This project represents an urgent assessment of an ideal system to test the legacy of coral bleaching phenotype on coral fitness. The results of this project will therefore lay the foundation for intra and cross-generational effects of bleaching vs. heat stress, which is essential for understanding coral resilience to climate change.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Principal Investigator: Katie Barott
University of Pennsylvania (Penn)
Principal Investigator: Hollie Putnam
University of Rhode Island (URI)
Contact: Katie Barott
University of Pennsylvania (Penn)
DMP_Putnam_Barott_OCE-2103067_OCE-2102989.pdf (84.73 KB)