W0005 R/V Wecoma 29 May - 17 June 2000
SeaSoar data from the U.S. GLOBEC Northeast Pacific Program
are available from the SeaSoar Web Site
at Oregon State University
Contact Jack Barth at OSU (Phone: 541-737-1607; email barth@oce.orst.edu)
SeaSoar data are available in two formats:
"1Hz data" or "gridded".
Each of these is described below.
1Hz Data
The *.dat2c files give final 1Hz SeaSoar CTD data.
Here is the first line of inshore.line1.dat2c:
44.64954 -125.25666 108.7 8.6551 33.5239 26.0164 8.6439 26.0181 155.64019
000603152152 0001 0.069 0.288 0.476 0.23
The format of the *.dat2c files is given by:
col 1: latitude (decimal degrees)
col 2: longitude (decimal degrees)
col 3: pressure (dbars)
col 4: temperature (C)
col 5: salinity (psu)
col 6: Sigma-t (kg/cubic meter)
col 7: potential temperature (C)
col 8: sigma-theta (kg/cubic meter)
col 9: time (decimal year-day of 2000)
col 10: date and time (integer year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
col 11: flag
col 12: PAR (volts)
col 13: FPK010 FL (violet filter) (volts)
col 14: FPK016 FL (green filter) (volts)
col 15: chlorophyl-a (micro g/liter)
The ones place of the flags variable indicates which of the
two sensor pairs was selected as the preferred sensor, giving
the values for T, S, and sigma-t:
0 indicates use of sensor pair 1 (T1, C1)
1 indicates use of sensor pair 2 (T2, C2)
Voltage values (columns 12 - 14) are in the range of 0-5 volts.
A value of 9.999 indicates "no value" for those columns
Chlorophyll was calculated based on the voltage values of
the green filtered FPK016; if that FPAK was 9-filled, then the
chlorophyll value was set at 999.99; if the calibrated value
was negative (due to noise in the calibration) the chlorophyll
value was set at 0.00; otherwise the calibration equation
used was:
chl_a = 7.6727(volts) - 3.4208
Gridded Data
The *1.25km files give the final SeaSoar CTD data gridded
at a spacing of 1.25 km in the horizontal, and 2 db in the
vertical. In general this was used for the mapping surveys
that were on the continental shelf.
The *2.5km files give the final SeaSoar CTD data gridded at
a spacing of 2.5 km in the horizontal (and 2 db in the
vertical). These were used for the deeper, offshore survey.
Here is the first line of inshore.line1.1.25km:
6.25 155.92008 44.651726 -124.13853 1.0 9 9.5228777
33.127800 25.569221 240.63866 9.5227690
0.24063867E-01 3.7872221 1.1320001 0.78988892
The format of the *km files is given by:
col 1 = distance (km)
col 2 = julian day + fractional day (noon, Jan 1 = 1.5)
col 3 = latitude (decimal degrees)
col 4 = longitude (decimal degress)
col 5 = pressure (dbar)
col 6 = count
col 7 = temperature (degrees C)
col 8 = salinity (psu)
col 9 = density (sigma-t) (kg/cubic meter)
col 10 = specific vol anomaly (1.0E-8 cubic meter/kg)
col 11 = potential temperature (degrees C)
col 12 = dynamic height (dynamic meters)
col 13 = PAR (volts)
col 14 = FPK010 (volts) (violet filter)
col 15 = FPK016 (volts) (green filter)
"missing data" was set at 1.0e35
columns 1 - 4 give the average location and time of the
values contained in the column at that location. The
column gives values for every two dbars of depth, starting at
1db and extending down to a value at 121 db. The column
then shifts to the next location, 1.25km further along the
line. If we are working with the 2.5km sections, then the column
goes down to a value of 329 db, and the next column then shifts
2.5km further along the line.
For the E-W lines, column 1 gives the distance from the coastline;
for the N-S lines, column 1 gives the distance from southernmost point.
column 6 (count) gives the number of samples in that 2db bin