CTD data collected during CGOA Trawl cruises from R/V Pandalus PA0101, PA0102, PA0103, PA0104, PA0201, PA0202, PA0203, PA0301, PA0302, PA0303, PA0401, PA0402, PA0403 in the Northeast Pacific from 2001-2004 (NEP project) | 2021-06-08 | Final no updates expected |
Cruise Event Logs from 15 vessels for 116 U.S. GLOBEC cruises from 1997-2004 in the Northeast Pacific and Gulf of Alaska areas (NEP program) | 2021-05-25 | Final no updates expected |
Trawl data from 14 R/V Pandalus cruises to the Coastal Gulf of Alaska from 1999-2004 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program | 2021-05-18 | Final no updates expected |
Metadata submitted to U.S. Antarctic Data Coordination Center from U.S. GLOBEC Northeast Pacific and Gulf of Alaska (NEP project); | 2015-05-04 | Final no updates expected |
Optical Plankton Counter (OPC) data where biomass values of 0 have been removed from display; from multiple cruises on R/V New Horizon, Thomas G. Thompson, and Roger Revelle in the Northeast Pacific from 2000-2002 (NEP project) | 2012-10-17 | Preliminary and in progress |
Biomass data from an Optical Plankton Counter (OPC) collected on R/V New Horizon, R/V Thomas G. Thompson, and R/V Roger Revelle cruises NH0005, NH0007, T0205, and R0208 in the Northeast Pacific from 2000-2002 (NEP project) | 2012-10-16 | Final no updates expected |
Salinity, nutrients, and and extracted pigments from R/V New Horizon cruise NH0007 in the Northeast Pacific in 2000 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2012-08-17 | Final no updates expected |
Fish lengths from CGOA trawl data from multiple cruises on R/V Pandalus in the Northeast Pacific, Coastal Gulf of Alaska from 1999-2004 (NEP project) | 2012-08-13 | Final no updates expected |
Neuston data from the F/V Sea Eagle and F/V Frosti salmon trawl cruises in the Northeast Pacific from 2000-2002 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2012-06-19 | Final no updates expected |
Trawl catches, abundance, and biomass from F/V Sea Eagle and F/V Frosti cruises in the Northeast Pacific from 2000-2002 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2012-06-19 | Final no updates expected |
CTDs from one cruise per year from the NE Pacific from multiple cruises in the Northeast Pacific, Coastal Gulf of Alaska from 2001-2004 (NEP project) | 2012-06-18 | Final no updates expected |
Rosette Bottle Data (nutrients and chlorophyll) from 31 cruises on the R/V Wecoma, R/V Atlantis, and R/V New Horizon in the Northeast Pacific from 1997-2004 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2012-06-12 | Final no updates expected |
Particulate and dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen data from multiple cruises on R/V Wecoma, R/V Atlantis, and R/V New Horizon in the Northeast Pacific from 1997-2004 (GLOBEC NEP) | 2012-06-11 | Final no updates expected |
Underway MET data collected on the GLOBEC LTOP cruise NH0307A aboard R/V New Horizon in the Northeast Pacific in 2003 | 2012-05-21 | Final no updates expected |
Underway MET data collected on multiple GLOBEC Long Term Observation Program (LTOP) cruises aboard R/V Wecoma in the Northeast Pacific from 1999-2003 | 2012-05-03 | Final no updates expected |
Nutrients, chlorophyll a, and flow cytometry counts of bacteria, Synechococcus, and photosynthetic eucaryotes from 13 cruises on into the Northeast Pacific from 2001-2003 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2012-04-25 | Final no updates expected |
MOCNESS-1 Plankton Abundances from the R/V Wecoma, R/V New Horizon W0004B, NH0005, W0007A, NH0007, W0009A, W0204A, W0205A from the Northeast Pacific, 2000 and 2002 (NEP project) | 2011-06-28 | Final no updates expected |
AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature Archive Web Site with data from satellites NOAA-12, NOAA-16, and NOAA-14 covering the Northeast Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Alaska (NEP project) | 2011-05-05 | Final no updates expected |
Vertical Plankton Tow (VPT) data from 1997 - 2003 from multiple cruises from the Northeast Pacific, California Current System (NEP project) | 2010-08-16 | Final no updates expected |
Discrete phytoplankton, HPLC, flow cytometry, and nutrient data from GLOBEC NEP mesoscale cruises in the Northeast Pacific from 2000-2002 (NEP project) | 2010-07-23 | Final no updates expected |
Nutrient concentrations from 41 R/V Alpha Helix and R/V Wecoma Long-Term Observation Program (LTOP) cruises to the Coastal Gulf of Alaska from 1997-2004 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2010-04-30 | Final no updates expected |
Fish length, weight and stomach contents (prey) data in Southeastern Alaska from R/V John N. Cobb SECM, multiple cruises in the Gulf of Alaska, Coastal Southeast Alaska from 1997-2006 (NEP project) | 2010-04-02 | Final no updates expected |
Fish catch data from R/V John N. Cobb SECM, multiple cruises in the Gulf of Alaska, Coastal Southeast Alaska from 1997-2006 (NEP project) | 2010-04-01 | Final no updates expected |
Station position, water depth for the standard SECM stations from R/V John N. Cobb SECM, multiple cruises in the Gulf of Alaska, Coastal Southeast Alaska from 1997-2006 (NEP project) | 2010-03-30 | Final no updates expected |
Nutrients and CTD data in Southeastern Alaska from R/V John N. Cobb multiple cruises in the Coastal Southeast Alaska from 1999-2005 (NEP project) | 2010-02-24 | Final no updates expected |
Time Series of nutrients and CTD data from R/V John N. Cobb SECM cruises in southeastern Gulf of Alaska from 1997-2006 (NEP project) | 2010-02-24 | Final no updates expected |
Time series of CTD data from SECM stations from R/V John N. Cobb SECM in the Gulf of Alaska from 1997-2006 (NEP project) | 2010-02-23 | Final no updates expected |
Temperature, salinity, depth, light levels from the SECM stations from R/V John N. Cobb multiple cruises in the Coastal Southeast Alaska from 1997-2006 (NEP project) | 2010-02-23 | Final no updates expected |
Zooplankton counts for the Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring from R/V John N. Cobb SECM multiple cruises in the Gulf of Alaska, Coastal Southeast Alaska from 1997-2006 (NEP project) | 2010-02-18 | Final no updates expected |
AK-LTOP MOCNESS tow zooplankton abundance and biomass from R/V Alpha Helix, R/V Wecoma multiple cruises in the Northeast Pacific from 1997-2004 (NEP project) | 2009-04-29 | Final no updates expected |
Haul data and salmon numbers caught and processed from F/V Great Pacific, R/V Miller Freeman cruises in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska, NE Pacific, 2001-2004 (NEP project) | 2009-04-22 | Final no updates expected |
Salmon otoliths - hatchery thermal marks from F/V Great Pacific, R/V Miller Freeman multiple cruises in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska, NE Pacific from 2001-2004 (NEP project) | 2009-04-21 | Final no updates expected |
Juvenile pink salmon energy density, wet, dry, frozen weights from F/V Great Pacific, R/V Miller Freeman cruises in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska, NE Pacific, 2001-2003 (NEP project) | 2009-04-21 | Final no updates expected |
Salmon length, weight, sex, stomach data from F/V Great Pacific, R/V Miller Freeman multiple cruises in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska, NE Pacific from 2001-2004 (NEP project) | 2009-04-16 | Final no updates expected |
Juvenile salmon diet from F/V Great Pacific, R/V Miller Freeman GP0108, GP0207-01, MF0310 in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska, Northeast Pacific from 2001-2003 (NEP project) | 2009-02-27 | Final no updates expected |
AK-LTOP CalVET Net Tow counts and biomass collected from multiple cruises from the Northeast Pacific, 1997-2001 (NEP project) | 2009-02-26 | Final no updates expected |
Zooplankton counts for bongo net hauls in the Gulf of Alaska from F/V Great Pacific GP0401-01, GP0401-02 from October to November 2004 (NEP project) | 2009-02-20 | Final no updates expected |
Metadata for tucker trawls and bongo net hauls from F/V Great Pacific and R/V Miller Freeman multiple cruises in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska, NE Pacific, 2001-2004 (NEP project) | 2009-02-20 | Final no updates expected |
Zooplankton catch data from Tucker trawls from CGOA LTOP cruises from the Coastal Gulf of Alaska, Northeast Pacific, 2001-2003 (NEP project) | 2009-02-20 | Final no updates expected |
WP2 net meta data from F/V Great Pacific GP0108, GP0207-01, GP0207-02 in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska, Northeast Pacific from 2001-2002 (NEP project) | 2009-02-20 | Final no updates expected |
Supporting data for Bird Observations from the Northeast Pacific (NEP) Northern California Current cruises on the R/V New Horizon, NH0005 and NH0007, in 2000 (NEP project) | 2008-01-16 | Final no updates expected |
Drifter buoy data collected by NOAA/PMEL/EcoFOCI from multiple cruises in the Northeast Pacific, Coastal Gulf of Alaska, SE Bering Sea from 2001-2004 (NEP project) | 2007-10-09 | Final no updates expected |
CTD files (netcdf format originally) from NOAA/PMEL FOCI cruises from multiple cruises in coastal Gulf of Alaska, Northeast Pacific, CGOA, SE Bering Sea from 2001-2004 (NEP project) | 2007-10-03 | Under revision |
Inventory of the U.S. GLOBEC Northeast Pacific project data from 145 cruises and moorings, from 1997-2004, in the Northeast Pacific and Gulf of Alaska areas (NEP project) | 2007-04-18 | Under revision |
Link to SeaSoar CTD Data from R/V Wecoma cruise W0005A in the Northeast Pacific in 2000 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2007-04-16 | Final no updates expected |
SeaSoar CTD Data from R/V Wecoma cruise W0008 in the Northeast Pacific in 2000 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2007-04-16 | Final no updates expected |
Temperature and Salinity data from the Long-Term Observation Program (LTOP) Mooring site NH10 on the Oregon Shelf from 1997-2004 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2007-04-13 | Final no updates expected |
ADCP data from the Long-Term Observation Program (LTOP) from Mooring site NH10 on the Oregon Shelf from 1997-2004 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2007-04-13 | Final no updates expected |
Chlorophyll-a on F/V Sea Eagle and F/V Frosti salmon trawl cruises in the Northeast Pacific in 2000 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2007-04-11 | Final no updates expected |
CTD data from California Current System (CCS) Process/Mesoscale Cruises on the R/Vs New Horizon, Revelle, Thompson, and Wecoma in the Northeast Pacific from 2000-2002 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2007-04-10 | Final no updates expected |
Rosette Bottle Data from R/V Wecoma and R/V New Horizon on cruises W0205A and NH0207 in the Northeast Pacific in 2002 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2007-04-06 | Final no updates expected |
Shipboard sensor data from along the ship track of R/V New Horizon cruises NH0005and NH0007 in the Northeast Pacific in 2000 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2007-04-06 | Final no updates expected |
Cetacean observations from the Northern California Current in the Northeast Pacific on R/V New Horizon cruises NH0005 and NH0007 in 2000 (NEP project) | 2007-03-30 | Final no updates expected |
Rosette Bottle Data (nutrients and chlorophyll) from R/V Alpha Helix cruises HX242, HX244, HX247, HX271, and HX275 to the Coastal Gulf of Alaska from 2001-2003 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2007-03-28 | Final no updates expected |
Phytoplankton growth rates and microzooplankton grazing from R/V Alpha Helix HX242, HX244, HX247, HX271, HX275 in the Northeast Pacific from 2001-2003 | 2007-03-28 | Final no updates expected |
CTD data from R/V Alpha Helix process cruises HX242, HX244, HX247, HX271, and HX275 in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska from 2001-2003 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2006-12-21 | Final no updates expected |
CTD cast data from 45 R/V Alpha Helix and R/V Wecoma Long-Term Observation Program (LTOP) cruises to the Coastal Gulf of Alaska from 1997-2004 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2006-12-04 | Final no updates expected |
Optical Plankton Counter data from R/V New Horizon, R/V Thomas G. Thompson, and R/V Roger Revelle process cruises off the Oregon Coast from 2000-2002 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2006-06-09 | Final no updates expected |
Birds from the Northern California Current observed from the R/V New Horizon during NH0005 and NH0007 in the Northeast Pacific in 2000 (NEP project) | 2005-09-16 | Final no updates expected |
Non-salmon meristics from the F/V Sea Eagle, F/V Frosti SE0005, SE0007, FR0206-01, FR0208, FR0206-02 from the Northeast Pacific, 2000 and 2002 (NEP project) | 2005-06-29 | Final no updates expected |
Salmonid Meristics and Necropsy Data from F/V Sea Eagle, F/V Frosti SE0005, SE0007, FR0206-01, FR0206-02, FR0208 in the Northeast Pacific from 2000-2002 (NEP project) | 2005-05-20 | Final no updates expected |
CTD data from 37 cruises of the California Current System (CCS) Long-term Observation Program (LTOP) in the Northeast Pacific from 1997-2004 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | 2001-02-09 | Final no updates expected |